Some of you may have this notion that the concept of bullet journaling seen in The Bullet Journal Method is just another buzzword for journaling.

You can call it whatever you want.

But the essence of journaling will always be about putting your thoughts on paper, nothing else.

The only good thing about journaling is that it makes you feel better after you dump your negative emotions and turmoil in your journal.

Rather than going out there and punching someone to ease your frustration, you purge your negative emotions through journaling instead.

Now, I don’t blame you if that’s your perception about journaling.

Even I used to think the same way as you as well.

Believe it or not, if there’s only one way for you to become more productive and achieve the life you always wanted, it will be bullet journaling and creating a vision board.

You can learn how you can create a vision board that works with this book.

But if you want to learn about bullet journaling, there’s no other way for you to learn about it other than the bullet journaling OG, The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll.

What The Bullet Journal Method is all about

Here’s the book description that I got from Amazon.

New York Times bestseller!

There’s a reason this system for time management, goal setting, and intentional living has been adopted by millions around the globe: it works. Not only will you get more done, but you’ll get the right things done. All you need is a pen, paper, and five spare minutes a day.

In The Bullet Journal Method, Ryder Carroll, the system’s founder, provides an essential guide to avoiding all-too-common beginner mistakes and building a core discipline from which you can personalize your practice. You’ll not only learn to organize your tasks, but to focus your time and energy in pursuit of what’s truly meaningful to you by following three simple steps:

* Track the past. Create a clear and comprehensive record of your thoughts.

* Order the present. Find daily calm and clarity by tackling your to-do list in a more mindful, systematic, and productive way.

* Design the future. Transform your vague curiosities into meaningful goals, and then break those goals into manageable action steps that lead to big change.

Whether you’re a frustrated list maker, an overwhelmed multitasker, or a creative who needs some structure, The Bullet Journal Method will help you go from passenger to pilot of your own life.

What got me to read the book

As someone who has been doing bullet journaling for a few years, you may find it strange that I only decided to read this book recently.

I have no reason to get this book when I’m already familiar with the system, right?

Okay, you’re not wrong about that since The Bullet Journal Method website already gives you a glimpse of what bullet journaling is all about.

So, you don’t need to get the book when the website itself is chockfull of information that can help you to get started.

Well, here’s the thing about bullet journaling in general – you may think that you already get the hang of it.

But the truth is, you may not understand the system that well when it doesn’t seem to help you much in many ways.

That’s how I feel about bullet journaling.

I thought I understood how the system came about. But in reality, my understanding of this system may have been minuscule all this time.

Yes, I should be familiar with bullet journaling by now since I’ve been doing it for years.

But the truth is I may not understand the method as much as I thought.

So, what’s a girl to do when you’re in this situation then?

Well, you need to go back and understand the system at its fundamental level, of course.

And that’s where this book comes into play.

What makes The Bullet Journal Method worth reading

I can’t say for sure if there are other books out there that talk about bullet journaling.

But if you have to choose between this book and the other book, pick this book.

Yes, you’re better off picking this book over the other not only because it’s the OG of bullet journaling.

But it has more to do with you’ll understand the fundamentals better thanks to the structure of the book.

The book begins by explaining the basic components of bullet journaling, how you can incorporate goal setting and mindfulness in bullet journaling, and how you can customize your bullet journal to suit your needs.

Just to let you know you can see the foundation of bullet journaling on the website itself.

But if you want a deeper understanding of how these modules work individually and how it all comes together, then it’s best to read the book first.

What you should know about this book

The good thing about this book is that it organizes the information in a way that you can go to the chapter you want right away.

You don’t have to read chapter-by-chapter just to get a sense of what bullet journaling is all about.

But even with that, I still recommend that you read all of them.

And yes, even if you’re like me who already have a rough idea of what bullet journaling is through the website.

The reason for that is simple – you may not understand the concept as much as you thought you would.

Let’s take migration and reflection as an example.

In bullet journaling, you’ll use the symbol > or < to migrate the task in your monthly log.

Let’s say you didn’t get to complete the task during that month but planning to do it the next month.

Sure, you’ll add the same task that you didn’t do in the coming month’s monthly log.

But if you don’t plan to add the task in the next month’s log, you figure you’ll add it later in the future month.

Lo and behold, you forget about the task altogether when that month comes.

The reason for that is that you didn’t mark the task with < and move it to the future log.

And you probably don’t do any reflection on your monthly and daily log either since there’s no reason for you to mark it when you know that you already completed the tasks.

Well, that was me.

It was only after reading the book that the migration symbols made sense to me. I also mark the completed tasks with x, making me feel a lot more accomplished every time I complete a task.

Who should read the book?

If you’re someone who finds the traditional planner doesn’t work for you and you feel like all over the place with so many notebooks and apps to keep track of everything, consider giving bullet journaling a try.

Yes, it can feel a little complicated at first.

But you’ll get the hang of it after trying out the method for quite some time.

Even I also have to make some changes to the way I approach bullet journaling after reading this book.

Where to buy The Bullet Journal Method book online

As always, you can buy the book in digital or print on Amazon. If you’d like to get the book, you can get it right here:

Buy The Bullet Journal Method book on Amazon

Over to you

What do you think about The Bullet Journal Method book? Are you interested in getting the book after reading about it on my blog?

Let me know in the comments.

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