The Bestselling Book Formula Cover

I’ve been meaning to talk about The Bestselling Book Formula for as long as I can remember.

But alas, the blogging editor in me felt it wasn’t a good idea to discuss Honoree’s book consecutively since I had already discussed her other book, Vision to Reality.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy reading books by Honoree Corder.

It’s just that I never feature books by the same author consecutively before.

The good news is there’s something else that catches my attention that is worth talking about on my blog.

Like any other blogger, I did just that.

But the caveat is I ended up forgetting about the book instead!

Thankfully, I managed to remember that I haven’t talked about this book on my blog yet.

So, you can say how glad I am that I finally get to talk about this book on my blog.

What The Bestselling Book Formula is all about

Here’s the book description that I got from Amazon.

You’re ready to write your book and want it to really help people.

But will it sell?

Honorée Corder is the author of more than 50 books, a publishing consultant, a TEDx speaker, and the Founder of Indie Author University. Honorée passionately coaches business professionals, writers, and aspiring non-fiction authors to write their own bestselling books.

Writing a great book can be daunting . . . unless you know the secrets.

This is her method.

This guide is easy to read, remember, do, share, and implement. The goal is to understand the mechanics of how best-selling authors write books that consistently rank at the top.

You’ll learn:

– The Four-Part Best Seller Formula

– Why some books never get read

– How to write your book so it sells for more than a decade

– Secrets that make readers want to share your book

– And much more

You’ll love this concise plan for success because Honorée has put these ideas into practice for her books and her clients’ books.

What got me to read the book

Just be honest here – who doesn’t want to know what makes the book sell like a hotcake and what is it that can make a book a total flop?

If there’s a formula that works like a gangbuster, then you can bet I’m willing to take it, for sure.

And I’m sure you want the same thing for your book too, right?

Another reason that got me to read the book?

The book was at a discount, of course.

So, there’s no reason for me NOT to read the book when there’s a formula that can help you publish a bestselling book.

And you can get it at a cheaper price too.

Just to be clear, even if I have to pay full price, the book is still worth getting since I can use it as a reference for my upcoming book countless times.

This is the kind of book you need to refer to before you begin to write a single word.

What makes The Bestselling Book Formula worth reading

What comes to your mind when you think about the secret to publishing a bestselling book?

Does it have anything to do with the book having a gripping story that gets people so obsessed about it?

Or does it have something to do with the fact that the book is by a well-known author?

Let’s focus on our second assumption before we tackle the first one.

Yes, you’re not wrong to assume the book can become an instant bestseller if it’s by a popular author.

Like it or not, some people do buy the book because of the author’s star power.

They have this notion that books by a popular author will never let them down.

But the thing is, that’s never a contributing factor on what makes a book deserve to be on the bestseller list.

Books by a well-known author can become a total flop too.

Then it must have something to do with the book having a story that people can’t get enough of, right?

Okay, I won’t deny having a story that makes people can’t stop talking about it can also lead the book to become a bestseller.

Again, that’s never the case at all.

The book can have a subpar story, but it can still pave its way to the bestseller list for a different reason.

A scandal, perhaps?

So, what is it that can make your book a bestseller list if those two assumptions aren’t the reason behind a bestselling book?

Believe it or not, the key to having a bestselling book is far simpler than you thought.

Even better? It relies on factors that you have full control of too.

That’s the best part about this book -you can just take the list from the book and compare it with the book you’re currently working on.

Does it have the bestseller quality?

If you don’t, then refine your manuscript to make it a bestseller.

What you should know about the book

Some of you may think the bestselling book formula may not work for you since you write fiction.

Well, you’re not wrong to assume that way considering all Honoree’s books are nonfiction.

Okay, that is as far as I’m aware of.

But the truth is you can implement the same bestselling book formula on fiction as well.

So, it’s not exclusively for those who write nonfiction.

Just to be clear, I’m not saying it only because Honoree proved in one of her case studies that the same formula can also work on fiction books.

I’m saying it based on the checklist alone.

Sure, some of them may not be applicable for fiction.

But the book does have something that works for fiction too, even if you only take a handful of them to heart.

So, don’t discount this book just yet even if you only write fiction.

And don’t discount this book either when you have already published the book.

Remember you can always publish the book as a second edition. But this time, you have all the bestselling book formula in place.

Who should read the book?

There’s no doubt you should read this book, whether you write fiction or nonfiction, considering the formula works on both books.

Just remember that your book may not necessarily become a bestseller even if your book has all these criteria.

You will still need to do the marketing for your book.

That’s how your book can become a bestseller over time.

There’s no skipping for marketing no matter how amazing your book is.

It won’t sell itself unless you do some pushing for the book, no matter how miniscule your effort is.

Where to buy The Bestselling Book Formula

As always, you can get the book in whichever format you prefer on Amazon. You can get the book right here if you’re interested:

Buy The Bestselling Book Formula by Honoree Corder

Depending on when you read this post, there’s a big chance you can get the ebook version for only 99 cents.

So, don’t wait too long to get the book since the book may revert to its original pricing after some time.

Over to you

What do you think about The Bestselling Book Formula? Are you interested in giving this book a try after reading about it on my blog?

Let me know in the comments or simply hit reply if you’re reading the email version of this post.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about this book or this topic in general.

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