Small Business Deals March 2023 Blog Banner

Goodness, where did February disappear to since now I have to gear up for Small Business Deals: March 2023 Edition?

Here I am, thinking that February is still here. And before you know it, December is here and we’re only a few days away from greeting 2024 at our door.

That’s creepy, right?

If you spend most of your first two months trying to slash the goals for this year, then good for you.

But if you don’t, it’s still not too late to get started now.

With March already here and my birthday around the corner, I have to say that there are tons of stuff that I’m planning to do for this year.

If you’re curious about my plan for this year, you can read this post here.

But as we’re already aware, life tends to throw a curveball on us sometimes.

And this is what I’m feeling right now.

I have this one project that I’m thinking of doing it somewhere in the near future. But due to unforeseen circumstances, I have to carry forward this project this year instead.

What sort of project will it be is something that I can’t disclose just yet. But I’ll let you know more about it when the time comes.

In the meantime, let’s take a look at all the deals that you don’t want to miss in Small Business Deals: March 2023 Edition.

Affordable managed WordPress hosting with EasyWP

You may already hear me talking about Namecheap hosting on this blog some time ago.

But this time around, I’d like to bring your attention to their managed WordPress hosting, EasyWP, instead.

While I was already aware of EasyWP for quite some time, it came to my attention once again when WP Engine is sending an email, notifying everyone that they were in the middle of testing a new pricing for their hosting plan.

As someone interested in giving WP Engine a spin, I welcome the new pricing.

But since they’re only experimenting, it can also mean that they won’t be changing their current pricing at all if the new pricing doesn’t convert that well.

And that brings me to EasyWP.

While the pricing for each EasyWP plan is only for one website, it’s still an affordable option for managed WordPress hosting.

Well, that is if you compare it to the same plan on WP Engine.

EasyWP has all the bells and whistles that WP Engine offers but at a lower price.

If you’re thinking about moving your website to managed WordPress hosting and only have one website, I highly recommend that you try EasyWP.

You can learn more about EasyWP right here:

Everything you need to know about EasyWP

A note about EasyWP

As much as I recommend everyone to give EasyWP a try, I don’t recommend that you sign up for EasyWP when you already have a domain name on Namecheap.

Why is that? Will your website break or something if you use EasyWP and have a domain name on Namecheap?

Well, not at all.

Rather than worrying about Namecheap breaking your website, I’m more concerned about the domain hostile takeover.

Imagine if hackers managed to break into your Namecheap account. Not only that they managed to claim ownership of your hosting account. But they managed to get a hold of your domain ownership too.

If they managed to get a hold of your domain, then it’ll be much harder to prove that you own the said domain.

It’s because of this reason that it’s best to get a separate account for your domain name and hosting.

Yes, you can enable the 2FA on your Namecheap account. But it doesn’t hurt to take an extra step as a precaution.

Believe me, it was already frustrating enough when I had to deal with the malware issue that was affecting my fiction author website, Sekina Mayu.

Just imagine if you have to deal with an issue like this. I can bet that it’ll be so emotionally taxing for you.

If you still want to use EasyWP as your hosting, then I highly suggest you get your domain name elsewhere.

One of the places that you can get a domain name from is iWantMyName.

I won’t deny that the domain name on iWantMyName isn’t as cheap as the one you can get from Namecheap. But you can still easily integrate it with EasyWP.

Just to let you know that I’ve bought a domain name from iWantMyName in the past before. If you’re looking for another place to buy a domain name, you can get it from iWantMyName right here:

Buy a domain name from iWantMyName

The strategic way to use Twitter to connect with your readers

If you’ve been on Twitter for quite some time, I’m sure that you’re already aware that Twitter can be a time-suck if you’re not careful.

With a constant barrage of tweets coming at you, along with mentions, likes, and replies to your tweets, it’s no wonder that many of us can get easily sucked into the Twitter vortex.

And let’s not forget that you need to post a couple of times a day just to get some traction.

The good news is you can maintain your presence on Twitter without taking too much of your time with the right strategies.

If you’re wondering how you can do just that, you can take a look at my Twitter Marketing for Business guide right here on my Payhip store:

Twitter Marketing for Business guide on Payhip

Don’t forget to use the coupon code THEEFFICIENTYOUBLOG to get 20% off on your purchase.

In case you’re wondering, the strategy that I shared with you in this guide is the same one that I use on my Twitter profile.

And I still use the same strategy to this day.

Yes, I admit that this strategy doesn’t grow my Twitter followers tenfold. But at least I get to keep my sanity.

If sanity is important to you, then I highly recommend that you give the strategy that I outline in the guide a try.

Namecheap’s Solopreneur Sale is here

Namecheap Solopreneur Sale

Are you finally taking the plunge to create your author website and are now in the process of getting a domain name?

Then, you’ll be glad to find out that you can get up to 97% off when you buy a domain name from Namecheap.

Of course, that will be for unique domain extensions such as .ONLINE, .SHOP, and .SITE. But if you want the usual .COM, you’ll get 43% off when you buy a .COM domain extension.

That’s a lot of saving in your first year if you ask me.

Already have a domain and thinking about transferring your domain name to Namecheap? Good news for you since you can get 50% off when you transfer your .COM domain name to Namecheap.

Want to take advantage of any of these offers? You can take a look at this page right here:

Namecheap Solopreneur Sale offers

This offer will only be available until March 20, 2023. So, don’t miss your chance if you want to get anything that Namecheap offers at a discount.

New WordPress theme from Bluchic

Bluchic ChicRadiant

Bluchic has just released a brand new WordPress theme called ChicRadiant. What makes ChicRadiant different from their other WordPress themes is that it caters to those who offer all sorts of things in one place.

Maybe you don’t just have books to sell. But you offer services and courses on your author website too.

And the best part of all about this theme? It’s compatible with WooCommerce.

While all Bluchic themes have a shop page, not all of them are compatible with WooCommerce, though.

The only theme that they have that is compatible with WooCommerce is their ChicShop theme.

So, it’s good to know that their new WordPress theme, ChicRadiant, is WooCommerce-ready.

If you’re a romance author or author who caters to the female audience and you offer all sorts of things under the blue sky, then I highly recommend that you get the ChicRadiant WordPress theme from Bluchic.

To celebrate the release of ChicRadiant, Bluchic is currently running a special promotion where you can get 20% off on this new WordPress theme.

What’s more, you’ll get bonuses when you buy the theme too such as the website launch checklist, writing your website copy workbook, Canva templates that are cohesive with your new theme, and many more.

Keep in mind that this offer will only be available until March 21, 2023. If ChicRadiant has the look that you want for your author website, then you’d better get it now especially if you want those bonuses that come with it.

You can get the theme right here on the Bluchic website:

Buy the ChicRadiant WordPress theme by Bluchic

Small Business Deals: March 2023 Edition affiliate disclaimer

Just to let you know that Small Business Deals: March 2023 Edition post contains affiliate links. I’ll be compensated when you buy anything through my affiliate links. Don’t worry, I’ll be paid at no additional cost to you.

Your purchase through my affiliate links will help me to continue sharing my insight on the business side of being an author on my blog.

And of course, it helps with keeping this blog running for years to come too.

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