Do you have any questions and feedback for me?

Feel free to use the form right here to send me any questions related to self-publishing. Depending on the questions, I will either reply back to you personally or write a blog post addressing your questions.

If by any chance I’m answering your questions with a blog post, I will let you know when the post goes live.

Keep in mind that due to the time difference, it may take awhile for me to get back to you. But I’ll do my best to get back to you within a few days.

If you feel like sending me feedback about the blog posts that I write or thinking that my website needs improvement, you can also use this form right here as well.

Do you want to share this cool software and apps that you think I should know and it’s beneficial for the author community? Well, I’m all ears for you.

Please let me know as well since I love to discover and play around with the new software and apps. You can expect me to write about it in the future just to see what is my verdict for the software and apps.

Send your questions and feedback here