by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
Let’s face it, a generative AI tool like Midjourney is a total game changer for many authors. While many authors tend to use Midjourney to create images for their book cover, I see Midjourney as something else. Here’s how Midjourney can help you with your writing even if it’s an AI tool for creating images.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
Not going to lie that the technical aspect of building an email list can be a little complicated to many authors. But this approach can be another alternative to those who find the aspect of building an email list a hassle.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
If you’ve been publishing long enough, then you’ll notice that the Amazon now is so much different from when KDP was first introduced. While the fundamentals remain the same, this particular change however changes the way we publish on Amazon.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
If you’re just getting started, you may find that the idea of selling directly to your readers can seems a little too early when you barely have anyone buying your books. But the truth is, you have a much better advantage than those who are already an established author. Here’s why that’s the case.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
What do you need to do if you want to become a fiction writer full-time? If this is the question that has been playing on your mind, then this roadmap will give you an idea on all the things you need to do if you want to get started with becoming a fiction writer full-time.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
Many authors seem to think that it’s not necessary to have their own website when their social media profiles are already enough. Here’s what the author website can do for you and where it fits in your author business.