What Most First-Time Authors Get Wrong When They Publish Their First Book
As first-time authors, it’s important to follow every single industry standard for your book to have a better chance of success. But this strange rule somehow hinders them from doing it especially when the time calls for it.

How to Re-Engage Email Subscribers Without Feeling Awkward
You have this email list for such a long time but you barely send them anything. So, how can you rekindle those who join your email list without making you feeling awkward? This simple guideline can help you do just that.

Why I’m Happy When People Unsubscribe From My Email List
Yes, it can feel devastating to see people unsubscribing from your email list. But rather than feeling devastated about it, you should rejoice that people unsubscribe from your email list on their own accord because of these reasons.

The Conventional Advice for New Authors That I Gladly Ignore And Never Regret Them
It’s our innate nature to seek advice from people who already come before us. For one, we don’t want to repeat their mistakes. And they’re more than happy to give us the advice too. While many of them are useful, there are some that I have to ignore simply because they don’t work for me.

The Only Time When Social Media Metrics Matter to You The Most
Don’t get me wrong, social media metrics are important if it’s a part of your book marketing strategy. But the problem with most authors is that they’re focusing on the wrong thing as far as the social media metrics are concerned.