by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
It’s our innate nature to seek advice from people who already come before us. For one, we don’t want to repeat their mistakes. And they’re more than happy to give us the advice too. While many of them are useful, there are some that I have to ignore simply because they don’t work for me.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
Don’t get me wrong, social media metrics are important if it’s a part of your book marketing strategy. But the problem with most authors is that they’re focusing on the wrong thing as far as the social media metrics are concerned.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Small Business Deals
Don’t miss this month’s Small Business Deals post for amazing deals related to your author business that you won’t find elsewhere throughout the whole month.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Recommended Reading
Most people tend to associate having to spend the time alone as something negative. But little that you know successful people spend most of their time alone. In this book, Terri Savelle Foy tells us what successful people do when no one is looking and how you can adopt the same habits for yourself too.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Life Outside of Business
How in the world do these authors have the time learn anything new while still chucking out books like clockwork? Do they have a secret that we’re not even aware of? Well, they actually do this simple thing to do everything that matters in their lives.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
If you have to choose between Hemingway Editor and ProWritingAid, which one will give the biggest bang for your buck? The answer to that question will certainly surprise you.