by Suhaili Shazreena | Small Business Deals
If you’re always on the lookout for deals that can catapult your author business to the next level, then you surely don’t want to miss this month’s Small Business Deals post. I have tons of amazing deals await you this month.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Blog
As much as I’d like to tell people to get their own website, I understand having a full-fledged author website can still be costly to some. But what if having a one page website will work just as good as having a typical website?
by Suhaili Shazreena | Business Updates
Imagine when you receive an email from Flippa, telling you that a handful of their high-paying clients are literally fighting tooth and nail wanting to buy your website. That’s amazing, for sure. But it also makes me wonder why this website, of all things.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Life Outside of Business
It’s no secret here that I didn’t have the future log in my bullet journal setup until recently. But even if I finally add it to my setup, the way I use it isn’t the same as the one outlined in The Bullet Journal Method book by Ryder Carroll.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Small Business Deals
If you’re always on the lookout for the best deals related to writing, publishing and business in general, then you certainly don’t want to miss this month’s Small Business Deals post.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Life Outside of Business
Who would have thought that my bullet journal weekly planner can have an amazing impact on the way I plan my day and week? But on one hand, it also paints the harsh reality that I fail to notice until recently.