by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
After abandoning The Efficient You blog for such a long time, I decided to resume blogging once again. Here’s why I decided to continue blogging again and what you can do if you’re in the same boat as I am.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
Let’s just face it, WordPress Gutenberg isn’t like the classic WordPress editor we used to know. But is it that difficult to figure it out? Here’s what I think about it after giving it a try for a few weeks.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
As much as I anticipate the idea of selling my books directly to my readers, there’s one caveat you should know about this approach. Some people may not find it such a big deal. But for some people, it can affect the very achievement they want to get. Here’s what you should know about going direct.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Business Updates
The result is already here. Does the book launch plan that I outlined two months ago work for me or if it falls flat on my face? Well, I’m sharing with you everything that I notice when I implement the book launch plan to promote my new book, A Silent Killer.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Life Outside of Business
I don’t think that I’ll be able to publish this many books if it’s not because of my writing habits. So, what are my writing habits then? Here are the writing habits that I build over the years. The good news is you can even start building these writing habits now.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Business Updates
Ever wonder how I’m planning to do a book launch despite not having a huge fanbase? Here’s a detailed plan for my book launch campaign. If you’d like to do a book launch but you can’t simply find the time to do it, then you can have a look at how I do my book launch.