by Suhaili Shazreena | Recommended Reading
If you still have a hard time managing your life and goals despite having tons of notebooks and apps to keep track of everything, then bullet journaling is what you need. And this book is all about that.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Small Business Deals
Are you always on the lookout for bargain deals for your author business? Then you certainly don’t want to miss this month’s deal post since you tend to get a much better deal during the holiday season.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Business Updates
Yes, I get it’s hard to know what am I up to when everything seems to be all over the place when it comes to book marketing. If you’re wondering about how I market my books, you’ll get a rough idea with this plan of mine.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
When you think about content writing, you may have this notion that it’s being replaced by something that is more engaging such as videos, podcasts and even audiobooks. But that doesn’t seem to be the case at all when you take a look at the written content sentiment as a whole.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
Yes, writer’s block can be a huge problem for many of us. But the good news the solutions to overcome the writer’s block are pretty simple too. Here’s how you can get yourself out of the funk short-term and long-term.
by Suhaili Shazreena | Publishing Insights
I admit that I didn’t try all kinds of blogging platform under the sun. But I have to say that despite only trying a handful of them, I still find WordPress the best because of this one reason alone.