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For many of us, the idea of receiving a buy website offer may seem like a bizarre thing.

Well, why would anyone want to buy a website, anyway?

Guess what?

You may not see the value of these websites considering there are millions of websites out there.

But some people do that for a living. And they’re making a killing too.

The idea behind making money from selling a website is pretty simple.

All you have to do is buy the website at a bargain price, revamp it, and sell it again with a higher price tag.

If it feels oddly similar to flipping a property, it sure is.

Thus, the buy website offer I receive from Flippa.

According to the email I received from Flippa, it seems like their high-paying clients are keen to buy my website.

Is Flippa even legit?

I can guess what you’re thinking when you receive a solicit offer from someone you don’t even know through email.

And it’s even more so when you receive such an offer from a website you’ve never heard of.

So, what kind of website is Flippa, anyway?

Is it even legit?

It’s hard to know what’s legit and what’s not anymore when we have plenty of people trying to scam the heck out of you by pretending to be someone from a legitimate company.

The good news is you don’t have to worry about that since Flippa is indeed a legit website.

I heard about it from Yaro Starak way back when he still had a course about buying and selling a website on his website.

So, you can rest assured that the website is legit considering that it has been around for such a long time.

But the person who sent me the email?

Well, I can’t say for sure if his claim about being someone from Flippa holds true or not.

The reason for that has a lot to do with the address stated in the email isn’t the same as the one on the website.

Sure, it’s possible that they’re moving to a new office space and our sales rep here forgot to update his email signature.

Even if that’s the case, I have reason to doubt whether the email is legit or not.

What makes The Efficient You website appealing to potential buyers?

Assuming the email that I receive is indeed legit, what is it that makes The Efficient You website worth buying?

To be honest, I can’t say for sure what it is that makes the website so appealing to their so-called high-paying clients.

But I’m guessing it may have something to do with any of these reasons.

The domain age

Yes, The Efficient You website may have undergone so much iteration over the last few years.

But the fact that the website has been around for almost ten years as I write this makes it appealing to the highest bidder.

Well, what’s not to like about a website that gets tons of favors from Google when it has been around for years?

And it’s even more so when the website is still alive and kicking.

That seems to be the case with The Efficient You.

Okay, I admit there was a time when the website remained dormant for quite a long time.

But it doesn’t matter now that the website is alive and well, with tons of evergreen content that comes with it.

The website doesn’t have a name-based domain

Don’t you find the name The Efficient You sound quirky to you?

While that could be the reason behind their interest in this website, I’m also willing to bet it has more to do with the website name being a brand name instead of a person’s name.

Why is it that having a brand name as a domain name matters so much, you ask?

The reason for that can be as simple as the one who owns a website with a brand name can be just about anyone.

That makes it easier for the original owner to pass the reign to someone else when the website doesn’t have him or her being the face of the website.

And that seems to be the case with The Efficient You.

Even if I’m no longer in charge of The Efficient You, nobody will ever know that the website already changed hands since the domain doesn’t tie to my name.

It’s a different story if the domain is, though.

They will have a hard time taking over the website when the website ties so closely to me as the face of the website.

It has potential

Okay, I admit the term potential can be somewhat vague here since you won’t know about the website’s potential until you see its hard number.

So, is it possible to dissect the website’s potential without having to look at the website’s traffic growth and generated income?

Well, I suppose it is especially when you’ve been doing it for a long time.

You can use a tool like Ubersuggest to see how the website fares.

Or you can have a look at the website on the surface level and take note of what you can do to take the website even higher.

Of course, nothing beats seeing the actual number considering what you see on the surface may not reflect the actual state of the website.

But if your gut feeling is telling you that the website is worth your investment, then it really is.

If that’s what the highest bidder sees on my website, then I can rest assured that my website is in good hands.

And that leads us to this important decision.

Am I accepting the buy website offer for real?

Here’s the good news for you – I have no intention of selling this website to anyone when I have so many things lining up for The Efficient You.

And that’s what you’ll be seeing here moving forward.

Yes, I admit I’ll make good money if I sell this website to anyone interested.

But I’m wise enough to understand it’s not worth sacrificing the long-term potential for the short-term benefit.

Will I ever hand The Efficient You to someone else to handle in the future?

Well, who knows?

One thing I know for sure is I’m here to stay. And so does this website.

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