If you’re on my email list, you may already be aware of the change that I made to my blogging frequency.
Rather than getting a weekly update, you’ll be getting a bi-monthly or monthly blog update instead.
Funnily enough, it took me such a long time to realize how much the weekly update is ruining every single thing that I plan for this year.
But for some reason, I still stick to the weekly update for both blogs.
So, what is it that makes me so adamant about wanting to stick to the weekly schedule even if it kills me, you ask?
Well, it’s none other than it’s the best way to get lots of traffic to the website, of course.
If I want to get some traction, particularly on direct book sales, then the weekly blog update is the way to go.
This is a doable blogging frequency
As someone who has been blogging for a long time, I remember the conventional advice given to those who just started a blog.
Yes, quality matters if you want to sustain your blog readership.
But if you can ramp up your content creation machine while still maintaining the same level of quality, all’s the better.
And if you can do both things consistently every day?
You can bet that Google will reward you with tons of traffic when you fulfill those two requirements.
Of course, blogging every day may not be much of a big deal if you can publish posts after posts like ChatGPT.
Or you have a large editorial team to do just that.
But if you’re a solo blogger, that sure is an instant recipe for burnout.
So, what do you do if blogging every day is not an option but you still want truckloads of traffic coming to your website?
Believe it or not, updating your blog with new content every week will suffice too.
Yes, you may not get as much traffic as the blogs that update daily. But your blog will still have the edge over blogs that only update monthly or sporadically.
Since the data say it all, it doesn’t leave me much choice other than to blog weekly.
I should’ve known
It’s not that hard to predict what will happen when you have to maintain a weekly schedule for two active blogs.
You just don’t have the time to do anything else, work-wise.
And even if you do have time to do other things, the progress is painfully slow since you spend the majority of your time maintaining your blog.
Don’t get me wrong, I love blogging.
But it won’t do me any good when I don’t have the time to work on my book projects.
Knowing that something’s got to give, I have to decide the best course of action for me.
It’s either I have to pick between this blog and my fiction author blog and put my sole focus into it.
Or I can opt to cut back on blogging so that I will have time to do all the things that I plan to do for this year.
I’m sure you already know which option I pick at the end of the day.
Even with that, I can’t help but fear my decision to cut back on my blogging activity will lead to the demise of both blogs.
What every content creator fears the most
Ask any content creator about the thing they fear the most when they cut back on the content creation or go on hiatus, most will say it will be the tanking traffic.
Remember when I said that Google in particular loves fresh content?
What do you think will happen when you’re cutting back on the content creation or going on a hiatus for such a long time?
Well, your traffic will start to tank when you stop blogging altogether or not actively blogging like you used to.
Don’t believe me? This blog post by Stryve Marketing outlines what happens to your website traffic when you stop blogging.
Will my blog traffic tank when I’m reducing my blogging frequency to monthly and bi-monthly?
Maybe, but I can only hope it won’t be as bad as I thought.
I can only know if my assumption is proven correct when I keep this momentum for a few months.
It’s not such a bad trade-off after all
Okay, I won’t deny it can be nerve-wracking to see the traffic to the website nosedives only because you’re cutting back on content creation.
But on the flip side, it doesn’t seem like a bad trade-off for me now that I have more time to focus on my book project and anything related to the author business.
And that can also mean I have more things to share with you on this blog.
Believe me, it’s hard to come up with what to write on the blog when I barely have anything noteworthy to share with you.
Now that I have more time to focus on my book project or anything beneficial for your author career, you can expect to hear more about that moving forward.
Will the blog update be monthly or bi-monthly?
So, what will be the actual blog update frequency for this blog then?
Will it be a monthly update?
Or will it be a bi-monthly update since I did mention blogging twice a month?
To answer the question, the default blog update will be twice a month for now.
But if I’m working on a book project and for some reason, I can’t seem to find the time to blog, then the blog update will be once a month.
To sum up, you can say the blog update frequency will depend on how busy I am during the given month.
I admit it’s not easy when you have to focus on the book project while maintaining the blogging schedule.
But I’ll do my best to stick to the bi-monthly update schedule no matter how occupied I am with my book project.
Will I be reverting to the weekly schedule in the future?
To be honest, it’s too early for me to say considering that it’s only the first month since my decision to cut back on my blogging activity.
Who knows, maybe I will make an exception to this blog and get back to my usual weekly update.
I certainly don’t rule out such a possibility.
But for now, I’m happy with the current arrangement because of how freeing it is not to be bound by a weekly blog update schedule anymore.