Vision to Reality by Honoree Corder

Vision to Reality, huh?

Can’t I be any more woo-woo than that?

Well, I don’t blame you for thinking that way, considering how I used to recommend books like Dream It, Pin It, Live It, and Feng Shui Your Life on my blog.

So, it’s no surprise that some of you may think that the Vision to Reality book is similar.

But guess what?

The book has nothing to do with the woo-woo stuff at all.

It’s more similar to the Your Best Year Ever book by Michael Hyatt since this book is all about goal setting.

If you’re interested in learning more about goal setting, then this book has it for you.

What the Vision to Reality book is all about

Here’s the book description that I got from Amazon.

Achieve the Impossible in 100 Days!

Are you ready to turn your vision into reality and achieve massive success in just 100 days? In this groundbreaking Second Edition of Vision to Reality, master coach and multi-bestselling author Honorée Corder shares the proven STMA™ (Short-Term Massive Action) system that has helped countless individuals transform their lives and businesses.

Through a powerful combination of clear goal setting, unshakeable self-belief, smart strategy, and relentless accountability, the STMA™ 100-Day Program gives you the tools and motivation you need to achieve more than you ever thought possible, faster than you ever imagined.

You’ll learn how to:

    • Craft a compelling vision and purpose to propel you forward
    • Set SMART goals that stretch you out of your comfort zone
    • Develop the positive habits and empowering identity of a high achiever
    • Harness the power of focus and consistency to become unstoppable
    • Build an A-team of supporters and accountability partners
    • Structure your days for maximum productivity and life balance

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, executive, professional, or someone committed to leveling up your life, Vision to Reality gives you a proven roadmap to get from where you are to where you want to be.

Honorée walks you through the entire process, from preparing and launching your 100-day journey, to staying the course amidst the inevitable obstacles and distractions. With her signature blend of tough love, practical wisdom, and infectious enthusiasm, she becomes your personal coach and biggest cheerleader.

If you’re ready to stop dreaming and start achieving your biggest goals and wildest dreams, Vision to Reality is your step-by-step guide. Invest in yourself, take control of your future, and join the ranks of the happiest and most successful people on the planet. Your transformation starts now!

What got me to read the book

Okay, I won’t deny that I got this book when the book was only 99 cents on Amazon.

But what piqued my interest in this book has something to do with what Honoree said in one of her emails.

Imagine when you hear her saying that she was able to achieve all of her goals in a few months when the year has only begun.

I can’t say about you, but it sure is impressive that you get to achieve your goals within the first few months of the year.

Here you are, still working on achieving your first goal of the year whereas we have someone like Honoree who managed to achieve every single one of her goals in the first quarter of the year.

It makes me wonder what is it that she knows that I don’t, in which she does know something that we don’t.

What makes the Vision to Reality book worth reading

Since this book is all about goal setting, you may have this notion that the book may not have anything new to add to the conversation, save for Honoree’s experience.

Well, you’re not wrong about that since the premise of the book is similar to the Your Best Year Ever book in many ways.

Things like the importance of having the right mindset to achieve your goals and having an effective goal setting in place.

But what makes Vision to Reality different is its approach to achieving your big, audacious goals in 100 days.

Rather than focusing on achieving your goals within a year timeframe, you laser focus on the things you want to achieve within 100 days instead.

Of course, you can argue there’s nothing unique about this approach either.

We all know well enough that we have a better chance of achieving our goals if we set a hard deadline for them.

But the issue with setting the deadline is that we tend to set unrealistic deadlines for ourselves for the most part.

So, the idea of achieving our goals within 100 days seems doable since it’s not a long duration to work on your goals but it’s not a short duration either.

Yes, it’s a bold claim for sure. But it’s doable when you have a plan in place.

What you should know about the book

Just like any other book of this nature, this isn’t the sort of book where you engage with the activities outlined in this book passively.

Whether you like it or not, you will have to do those prompts on paper rather than leaving the answers in your head.

You’ll have better clarity on your vision and goals when you see them on paper.

Another thing to note is the 100-day deadline.

While it’s good to challenge yourself to achieve your big goals within 100 days, you’re not a failure if you don’t manage to achieve your goals during that time.

Rather than letting the 100 days pass by, at least you’re halfway there in achieving what you always envision for your life.

Good for you if you manage to achieve your big goals within 100 days.

But if you don’t, then that’s fine too.

Use that 100-day that you use to work on your goals to assess what works and doesn’t work.

You’re free to pivot if you realize the goals you want to achieve no longer serve your vision.

Who should read this book?

If you’re looking for a simpler approach to goal setting, then you can’t go wrong with this book.

It’s a short book to read too, so you can finish reading this book and be ready to tackle your big audacious goals in no time.

Where to buy the Vision to Reality book

The good news is you can read this book for free if you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription.

But if you don’t, you can get the book in whichever format you prefer right here on Amazon:

Buy Vision to Reality on Amazon

Over to you

What do you think about the Vision to Reality book? Are you interested in giving this book a try after reading about it on my blog?

Let me know in the comments.

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