Small Business Deals April 2024 Blog Banner

It’s hard for me to believe it’s time for another Small Business Deals: April 2024 Edition now that April is here.

That’s the month when the weather is a little warmer. And it’s also the month when you get to see flowers start blooming.

Well, I could be wrong about the spring season in general considering that I only see hot and sunny weather all my life.

But one thing I know for sure about April is that it’s a month for the new beginning.

If you want to take the plunge to create your own website, now is the best time to do so.

And if you’re thinking about upping your list-building game, now is the best time to get started too.

How about getting started with selling directly to your readers?

Guess what? Now is the best time to do so too if you haven’t already.

If that’s your aim in your author career, then you certainly don’t want to miss this month’s Small Business Deals: April 2024 Edition post.

Create a professional-looking website with this WordPress premium theme, Divi

It’s no secret that Divi is the WordPress theme I use on all my websites.

The reason for that is simple – I can create all sorts of layouts and styles without knowing anything about coding.

I only need to nail the best font pairing for my website and find suitable color palettes that reflect my author brand and I’m pretty much ready to roll.

Sounds like they’re hard work?

Well, fret not since there are plenty of websites out there that allow you to see for yourself which font works best together.

You don’t need to crack your head just to find the right font pairing for your website.

And if coming up with a color palette feels like you need to take a color theory class, you don’t have to worry about that either.

There are tons of websites out there that already did the hard work for you.

Put all these things together and you now have a customized look for your website.

That’s the wonder of Divi. You can do all these cool things and people still can’t tell it’s a Divi theme even if they compare the websites side by side.

Can you do it with other premium WordPress themes as well?

Of course, you can.

But I find it’s much easier to customize the look and feel of your website with the Divi theme.

Yes, I admit the Divi theme can be hard to grasp for some especially if you don’t have a knack for design.

But if flexibility is what you’re after, then Divi is the right fit for you.

You can see the theme in action for yourself right here:

Divi theme by Elegant Themes

And if you’re curious about my experience with the Divi theme, you can read my post about the theme here.

Sell your books directly to your readers with Payhip

If there’s one solution that can make selling your books directly to readers easier and more cost-effective, I will say it has to be Payhip.

How simple it is to get started with Payhip, you ask?

Well, all you have to do is upload your files, do the necessary settings in your Payhip account and your book is now available for sale.

Don’t feel like wanting to create a separate website?

You can create a blog with Payhip too if you prefer.

Of course, I still recommend you have your own website instead of relying on Payhip for everything.

It’s risky to have everything on one platform when it’s not that far off to assume that Payhip may end up having the same fate as Selz.

Will it end up having the same fate as Selz is something that I’m not sure of.

But I recommend that you use Payhip to sell your book and your website as a means to connect with your audience.

Just so you know Payhip is the solution that I use for now to sell my books directly to readers.

If you’d like to give it for a spin, you can sign up for Payhip right here:

Sell books directly with Payhip

Are you still on the fence about Payhip? You can read my post about Payhip right here if you’re interested.

Make sure that your web copy is free from typos and grammatical errors with Grammarly

Can you guess what screams unprofessional when people stumble upon your website?

It’s the typos and grammatical errors in your web copy, hands down.

Sure, having an ugly-looking website can also scream amateur.

But having a beautiful and professional-looking web design won’t save you if you have typos and grammatical errors in your web copy.

If you don’t want to cause such a blunder in your web copy, then it’s worth considering using Grammarly to catch any errors that you may miss.

Even better? The free version does a good job of catching errors that tend to slip under the radar.

Think Grammarly can make such a huge difference not just to your web copy but your manuscript too?

You can sign up with Grammarly right here if you haven’t already:

Sign up with Grammarly

And if you’re curious about my take on Grammarly, you can read this post here.

Use a reliable domain registrar such as Namecheap

Namecheap Transfer Week Sale

Since we’re talking about a new beginning here, you must have this nudge to say goodbye to your current domain registrar for the longest time.

But for some reason, you stick to it despite your domain renewal costs a lot more than before.

And let’s not forget this domain registrar of yours is notorious for adding stuff to your bill without your consent.

If that causes you and your current domain registrar to drift apart, then I have good news for you.

Namecheap is having a Transfer Week sale where you can get up to 41% off when you transfer your domain to Namecheap.

Of course, that’s not the only thing that is on sale during the Transfer Week sale.

You can even transfer your hosting and private email hosting to Namecheap at a discount during the Transfer Week sale too.

Want to take advantage of the offer? You can take a look at them right here:

Namecheap Transfer Week sale

This offer will only be available until April 30, 2024.

Small Business Deals: April 2024 Edition affiliate disclaimer

Just to let you know that the Small Business Deals: April 2024 Edition post contains affiliate links. I’ll be compensated when you buy anything through my affiliate links. Don’t worry, I’ll be paid at no additional cost.

Your purchase through my affiliate links will help me to continue sharing my insight on the business side of being an author on my blog.

And of course, it helps keep this blog running for years too.

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